Die Botschaft der Republik Aserbaidschan in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bleibt anläßlich des Solidaritätstages der Aserbaidschaner der Welt und des Neuejahrfestes 31. Dezember 2018 und 1.-2. Januar 2019 geschlossen.
10 Dezember 2018
Statement by H.E. Mr. Elmar Mammadyarov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, at the 25th Ministerial Council of the OSCE
07 Dezember 2018
Cooperation between Azerbaijan and Germany in the field of privatization is enhancing
05 Dezember 2018
Berlin hosts the First German-Azerbaijani Business Dialogue.
29 November 2018
Berlin hosts the First German-Azerbaijani Business Dialogue
29 November 2018
Azerbaijani and the German military legal experts held a meeting
28 November 2018
International Conference entitled “From the interfaith and inter-civilizational dialogue to cooperation” was held in Berlin
20 November 2018
International Conference entitled “From the interfaith and inter-civilizational dialogue to cooperation” was held in Berlin.
20 November 2018
The exhibition and official reception on the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic co-organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Federal Republic of Germany have been held in Berlin, Germany.
08 November 2018
The exhibition and official reception on the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic co-organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Federal Republic of Germany have been held in Berlin, Germany
08 November 2018
The exhibition and official reception on the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic co-organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Federal Republic of Germany have been held in Berlin, Germany.
08 November 2018
The Scientific Conference organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Federal Republic of Germany on the occasion of the centenary of proclamation of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was held in Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin.
08 November 2018
Die Botschaft der Republik Aserbaidschan in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bleibt anläßlich des Tages der Flagge am 9. November 2018 geschlossen.
07 November 2018
The Scientific Conference organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Federal Republic of Germany on the occasion of the centenary of proclamation of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was held in Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin.
07 November 2018
Deutscher Fernsehsender TV Berlin hat eine Fernsehreportage über die in Berlin stattgefundene Konferenz „Deutsche-Aserbaidschanische Beziehungen: Gemeinsame Geschichte und Zukunftsperspektiven“ gemacht.
26 Oktober 2018