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Press release 16 May 2021

Head of the Press Service Department of the MFA of Azerbaijan Leyla Abdullayeva responds to the questions of media

Question: Can you comment on the allegations of Armenia about the recent tension on the Azerbaijan-Armenia border and claims as if Azerbaijan violated the “sovereign territory” of Armenia?

Answer: These claims are absolutely baseless. The MFA of Azerbaijan released information and brought clarity to the situation on the border tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Firstly, let me emphasize that the root cause of the border issues is Armenia’s illegal occupation of Azerbaijan’s territories till November 2020. Hence, it is Armenia that violated Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized borders. Azerbaijan is only restoring its internationally recognized borders.

As it has already been stated in our official releases, with the improvement of weather conditions in the liberated regions of Azerbaijan that border with Armenia, Azerbaijan continues its work on the border protection system carried out within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. This process is carried out on the basis of maps available to each of the sides that define the borderline between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

We always stand for the respect of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the internationally recognized borders.

Certainly, mutual respect for these principles, establishing good neighborly relations on this basis and embarking on the border delimitation/demarcation process in good faith is the only way forward to settle any dispute that might arise.

Armenia and Azerbaijan have newly emerged from the war and successful border demarcation and delimitation are key to peace and security.

Let me also stress that over the last months several disagreements occurred between the sides on border issues, and all of them were settled via negotiations among the sides to the trilateral statements. We believe that such disagreements should be resolved via political and diplomatic means.

Question: Some members of the international community also reacted to the latest border tension, how would you comment on these statements?

Answer: The border demarcation and delimitation is a bilateral issue, it is quite a complicated and technical process. Of course, we understand the concerns of third countries over the situation in the region, which is about eliminating the aggravation of tensions. We believe that before making any statements on such a sensitive issue, all root causes and dimensions must be examined thoroughly.

As you know, as soon as the tension arose on the border, the leadership of the State Border Service of Azerbaijan immediately visited the region, negotiations started with the border guards of the other side. Currently, the appropriate steps are being taken to normalize the situation.

Unfortunately, this technical issue has been exaggerated with provocative statements and a smear campaign against Azerbaijan. Such a destructive approach only serves to increase tensions.

The inadequate reactions and provocative statements by Armenia are clearly linked to the pre-election situation in this country. The attempts by Armenia to use this issue as a political tool are unacceptable.

Let me reiterate that Azerbaijan is strongly committed to peace, security and regional cooperation on the basis of respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the internationally recognized borders.

We recommend that the political and military circles of Armenia accept the reality of the interstate border regime along the entire length of the international border, not aggravate the situation in the region unreasonably and work with the Azerbaijani side in a constructive way to solve border issues through the bilateral channel.

Such cases can and should be resolved through mutual contacts between relevant border authorities on both sides.

Azerbaijan is committed to resolving tensions in the region and we call for appropriate steps to be taken to that end.



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