Press release 13 July 2020

STATEMENT of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan as a protest against the repeated violation of the ceasefire regime by the armed forces of Armenia and the provocative attempt resulted in losses during the pandemic

As is known, the constant firing by the armed forces of Armenia on the positions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, including the civilian settlements, violating the ceasefire regime, leads to deaths and injuries among both military servicemen and civilians. The military provocations by Armenia on the state border are ongoing, and the events of the last few months are a clear manifestation of this reality.

To date, as a result of war crimes committed by the armed forces of Armenia, existing international human rights instruments, including the Geneva Conventions (1949), have been grossly violated, and this tendency continues.

I regret to state that Armenia has not given up its policy of aggression and occupation, continues the provocative actions in violation of the ceasefire regime in various directions during the current pandemic announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) in connection with the spread of a new type of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Thus, on July 12, 2020, starting from noon the armed forces of Armenia once again grossly violating the ceasefire, attempted to attack using artillery to fire in the direction of Tovuz district of our country on the border with Armenia in order to seize the positions of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.

Continued provocative actions for aggression and occupation by Armenia that does not fulfill the UN Security Council Resolutions #822, 853, 874 and 884, ignores the resolutions of the UN General Assembly adopted in 2006 and 2008 on the situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, the calls of the UN, WHO and other influential international organizations in connection with the pandemic, as well as the norms and principles of international law, grossly violating fundamental human rights, including the right to life, and creating a more dangerous situation in the region, should be strongly condemned by international organizations and peace-loving states; serious sanctions should be imposed on Armenia.

This should be especially emphasized that the violation of the ceasefire regime by the occupying Armenian army and the continuation of provocative actions even during the pandemic, further aggravate the living conditions of people living in the conflict zone.

This is worth recalling that some time ago, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for a global ceasefire and, in this context, he stated the need to put an end to armed conflicts and also to pay special attention to the protection of the rights of refugees and internally displaced persons who are victims of violent conflicts. Undoubtedly, repeated violations of the ceasefire regime by Armenia continuing its provocative actions in the context of a pandemic, which is an issue of international security and a global problem, is an obvious indication of disrespectful and careless attitude towards the known statement of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, along with being a disregard for International Law and the principles of humanism.

Once again, I call international community, especially influential international organizations, to make efforts, hereby to take necessary steps and carry out urgent measures for the liberation from the occupation the UN-recognized territories of our Republic, to give a proper legal assessment to the crimes committed by Armenia in the territory of Azerbaijan and to prevent violations of international law; restore the fundamental rights and freedoms of our compatriots violated as a result of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Sabina Aliyeva
The Commissioner for Human Rights 
(Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan

July 13, 2020

This Statement is addressed to the UN Secretary-General, UN Security Council, UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights, UN Office of High Commissioner for Refugees, UN Human Rights Council, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, European Union, European Council, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, International and European Ombudsman Institutions, Asian Ombudsman Association, Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Ombudsman Association of its member states, Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, European Network of Ombudspersons for Children, International Peace Bureau, different ombudsmen and national human rights institutions, embassies of the Republic of Azerbaijan in foreign countries and the foreign embassies in Azerbaijan,  as well as to the Azerbaijani Diasporas.

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