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Press release 25 July 2017

Joint Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The armed forces of Armenia by using heavy weapons continue in an intensive manner to violate the ceasefire and perpetuate provocations along the line of contact and the state border of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The armed forces of Armenia alongside with the positions of the armed forces of Azerbaijan deliberately and systematically subject to shelling civilians and civilian objects in inhabited areas.

İt is very well known that on July 4, as a result of such brutal actions of Armenian armed forces a 51-year-old resident of the village of Alkhanli of the Fizuli district of Azerbaijan, Sahiba Allahverdiyeva and her 2-year-old granddaughter, Zahra Guliyeva were killed, 52-year-old Sarvinaz Guliyeva was seriously wounded, which was strongly condemned by the international community.  

On July 25, the armed forces of Armenia used combat unmanned air vehicle (UAV) and dropped on the position of Azerbaijan’s armed forces hand-made projectile containing incendiary and explosive charges as well as metal fragments.

In June and July further intensification of Armenia’s provocations are not sporadic and isolated acts, against the background of OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs visit to the region, meetings for the resolution of conflict and serious calls by Azerbaijan, OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs and the international community to re-engage in substantive negotiations are being committed in a deliberate and systematic manner.

At the same time such ill-intentioned actions of Armenia are accompanied by politically motivated provocative steps. Regardless of international community’s rejection, holding fabricated “presidential” elections by the sham “parliament” of illegal regime established by Armenia in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan is yet another vivid proof of that.

Thus, chronicle of events once again prove that when Azerbaijan with the support of the international community makes further efforts to resolve the conflict through serious negotiations, Armenia resorts to provocations to undermine the negotiations, to maintain the status quo of occupation and intentionally escalate the situation. Such actions of Armenia, as it was the case before, have to be rejected and condemned by the international community in strong and serious manner.

Continuation of Armenia’s war against Azerbaijan and occupation of its territories in breach and complete disregard to the norms and principles of international law, not only violates the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan, but also poses serious threat to the regional peace and security.

With a view of ending the conflict and ensuring the peace and stability in the region the withdrawal of armed forces of Armenia from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan is an absolute inevitability.     

Despite the efforts of Armenia’s false propaganda machine irrefutable facts demonstrate that Armenia and its armed forces conducted aggression against Azerbaijan and occupied its territories and perpetrated ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijani population in the seized lands.

The armed forces of Azerbaijan takes and will take all necessary measures to prevent the cruel provocations of Armenia and guarantee the security of Azerbaijani civilian population inhabited in the vicinity of line of contact.

We over again declare that the responsibility for committed provocations and consequences of continuation of occupation lies completely on the Republic of Armenia.

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