

The citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany and foreigners who have residence permit in Germany have the right to apply for the entrance visa to the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The visa can be issued in the following ways:


ASAN Visa (e-Visa) - 

ASAN Visa” - Electronic Visa Portal allows to get online single-entry visa in 3 (three) working days. There is also possibility to get Urgent e-visa just in 3 hours regardless of non-working days.

“ASAN Visa” system allows foreigners to get the single-entry electronic visa with the period of stay up to 30 (thirty) days in the Republic of Azerbaijan. For further information please visit: 

List of the countries eligible for e-visa

lectronic visa applications should be directly applied via internet address. The information that is necessary to get the electronic visa is entered directly to the “ASAN Visa” system online by the applicants, and the visa fee is paid online via the Electronic Visa Portal. The electronic visa is sent to the applicant’s e-mail address.

For any questions (or any possible technical problems which may occur) regarding the “ASAN Visa” system please contact directly The State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan which carries out the function of the Portal's operator: 


Visa application rules at the Embassy

German citizens and foreigners with the residence permit in Germany may apply to the consular section of the Embassy for a single or multiple entry visa. Given that the visa application process takes up to 10 working days it is recommended that applicants submit the required documents to the consular section of the Embassy beforehand. Visa applications can be submitted to the consular section of the Embassy personally or by post.

Attention: Incomplete visa applications will not be accepted and the documents will be returned to the applicant. In case of visa refusal state fee paid by an applicant is non-refundable.

Note: Visa application can be submitted in person or sent by post to the consular section of the Embassy:

In person:

Working hours of the consular section: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 09:00 - 12:00

By post:

Visa application submitted to the Consular section of the Embassy by post must include return envelope (“Luftpolsterversandtaschen” recommended) with the address of the applicant and postage stamps for the registered mail. The Embassy is not responsible for the loss or damage of documents by post offices. Applicants are requested to provide their telephone numbers and e-mail addresses in addition to the required documents.


List of required documents for private, business, science and educational visits:

  1. Application form (should be completely filled in block letters);
  2. Original and the copy of the Passport (a validity period of the passport should exceed a validity period of an expected visa at least by 3 months. Passport must have a blank page for the visa);
  3. Two (2) Biometric photos (3x4);
  4. Invitation letter for Private visitPrivate visit invitation letter (samplemust be notarized and submitted together with a copy of the İD of the inviting person (a copy of the notarized invitation letter may also be submitted). Note: In case, the inviting person is the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the invitation letter must be written in the Azerbaijani language. If the inviting person resides in Azerbaijan, the invitation letter must be notarized at the local notary; If the inviting citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan resides in Germany, the invitation letter in the Azerbaijani language must be notarized in Germany, or the inviting person can sign the invitation letter personally at the consular section of the Embassy. Note: If the inviting person is close relative of the invited EU citizen (husband, wife, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren), a copy of the documents proving the kinship (marriage or birth certificate) must be submitted. Visa fee is not charged for EU citizens if the documents confirming close kinship are submitted;
  5. Business, science and education visits: In the case the person is invited by the legal entity, original or copy of the Application of the party (legal entity) that invites foreigner to the Republic of Azerbaijan confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan. For more information:;
  6. For foreigners living in Germany copy of the residence permit in Germany;
  7. Printed receipt of state fee payment.
    Bank account details of the consular section of the Embassy:
    Botschaft der Republik Aserbaidschan
    COMMERZBANK, Konto No: 26 61 53 601, BLZ: 100 40 000
    IBAN: DE73100400000266153601
    State fee should be transferred to the abovementioned bank account. The Embassy does not accept cash payments. Receipt or bank account statement must be submitted to the Embassy only in printed form.

    Note: Applicants are requested to provide their telephone numbers and e-mail addresses in addition to the required documents


List of required documents for the issuance of tourist visa: 

  1. Application form (should be completely filled in block letters);
  2. Original and the copy of the Passport (a validity period of the passport should exceed a validity period of an expected visa at least by 3 months. Passport must have a blank page for the visa);
  3. Two (2) Biometric photos (3x4);
  4. Hotel reservation copy (according to the dates of stay in the country) and copy of the booked plane ticket (as well train, bus ticket or a copy of the vehicle document);
  5. For foreigners living in Germany copy of the residence permit in Germany;
  6. Medical travel insurance copy;
  7. Printed receipt of state fee payment.
    Bank account details of the consular section of the Embassy:
    Botschaft der Republik Aserbaidschan
    COMMERZBANK, Konto No: 26 61 53 601, BLZ: 100 40 000
    IBAN: DE73100400000266153601
    State fee should be transferred to the abovementioned bank account. The Embassy does not accept cash payments. Receipt or bank account statement must be submitted to the Embassy only in printed form.

    Note: Applicants are requested to provide their telephone numbers and e-mail addresses in addition to the required documents


List of required documents for the issuance of transit visa: 

Note: A transit visa is issued to a person traveling to the country of destination and passing through the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The validity period of a single transit visa is 1-5 days. The state fee for a transit visa is 35 euros for citizens of EU countries and 20 euros for citizens of other countries. 

  1. Application form (should be completely filled in block letters);
  2. Original and the copy of the Passport (a validity period of the passport should exceed a validity period of an expected visa at least by 3 months. Passport must have a blank page for the visa);
  3. Two (2) Biometric photos (3x4);
  4. A valid visa of the country of destination or a copy of the document confirming the right to stay in the country of destination;
  5. Printed receipt of state fee payment.
    Bank account details of the consular section of the Embassy:
    Botschaft der Republik Aserbaidschan
    COMMERZBANK, Konto No: 26 61 53 601, BLZ: 100 40 000
    IBAN: DE73100400000266153601
    State fee should be transferred to the abovementioned bank account. The Embassy does not accept cash payments. Receipt or bank account statement must be submitted to the Embassy only in printed form.

    Note: Applicants are requested to provide their telephone numbers and e-mail addresses in addition to the required documents


Visa-free regime for holders of diplomatic, service, official or special passport: 

In accordance with bilateral intergovernmental agreements, a visa-free regime is being applied on the basis of reciprocity between the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the relevant foreign country holding diplomatic or service (or official/special) passport:


Visa application fees:

State fees for the issuance of visa: 

  • Visa fee for EU member states citizens:
    • single entry visa - 35 Euros
    • multiple entry visa - 35 Euros

Note: Categories of persons mentioned in the Article 6 of the Agreement between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the European Union on the facilitation of the issuance of visas are exempt from visa fee

  • Visa fee for non-EU countries citizens:
    • single entry visa – 20 Euros
    • multiple entry visa - 350 Euros

For more information: 

NoteThe amount of the state fee, taking into account the exchange rate of the euros to the US dollars and the cost of conversion of the euros to the US dollars. 

  • Transit visa fee:
    • for EU member states citizens - 35 Euros
    • for non-EU citizens - 20 Euros

Note: The amount of the state fee, taking into account the exchange rate of the euros to the US dollars and the cost of conversion of the euros to the US dollars.

Attention! In case of visa refusal state fee paid by an applicant is non-refundable.


Attention! Foreigners temporarily staying in the Republic of Azerbaijan for more than 15 days should get registered upon place of stay. For more information:



Last update: 01.07.2023

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