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Pressemitteilung 12 Januar 2021

Trilaterales Treffen zwischen dem Präsidenten Russlands Wladimir Putin, dem Präsidenten Aserbaidschans Ilham Aliyev und dem Premierminister Armeniens Nikol Pashinyan fand in Moskau statt

Am 11. Januar 2021 fand in Moskau ein trilaterales Treffen zwischen dem Präsidenten Russlands Wladimir Putin, dem Präsidenten Aserbaidschans Ilham Aliyev und dem Premierminister Armeniens Nikol Pashinyan statt, bei dem eine Erklärung unterzeichnet wurde. Der Text der Erklärung besteht aus dem Folgenden:


Statement of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and President of the Russian Federation

11 January 2021

We, the undersigned as President of the Republic of Azerbaijan I. H. Aliyev, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia N. V. Pashinyan and President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin, state the following:

1. With the aim of implementing Clause 9 of the Statement dated 9 November 2020 in relation to the unblocking of all economic and transport communications in the region, we support the suggestion of President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin on the establishment of a trilateral working group co-chaired by deputy prime ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia and Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. The working group will hold its first meeting before 30 January 2021, as a result of which it will formulate a list of main activity directions arising from the implementation of Clause 9 of the Statement, establishing railway and automobile communication as a priority, and also determine other directions as agreed upon among the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as Parties.

3. With the aim of implementing the key activity directions, the co-chairs of the working group will approve the composition of expert subgroups for these directions, which would be comprised of officials of relevant authorities and organizations of the Parties. The expert subgroups will, within a month of the working group meeting, submit a list of projects specifying the required resources and activities for their implementation and approval at the highest level by the Parties.

4. The working group will, before 1 March 2021, submit a list of activities and their implementation schedule for approval at the highest level by the Parties, which would envisage restoration and installation of new infrastructure facilities required for the organization, implementation and provision of security of international travels carried out across the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia, as well as the transportation carried out by the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia the implementation of which requires the crossing of the territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia.


President of the Republic of Azerbaijan I. H. Aliyev [signed]

Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia N. V. Pashinyan [signed]

President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin [signed]




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