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Pressemitteilung 26 September 2018

Statement by H.E. Mr. Elmar Mammadyarov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement

“Upholding the UN Charter and the purposes and principles of the NAM: towards a culture of peace”

September 26, 2018, New-York


Mr. Chairman,

Dear colleagues,

Ladies and gentlemen,

At the outset, we would like to express our deep appreciation to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for holding today’s meeting and for its efforts as the current chair of the Movement towards promoting the principles, ideals and purposes of the Movement.

Throughout its history the Non-Alignment Movement has played a fundamental role in strengthening international peace and security by promoting adherence to Bandung Principles.

Challenges to peace and security facing the world nowadays call for strengthening of the international legal order and redoubled efforts at all levels to prevent and resolve conflicts. Strict compliance with generally accepted norms and principles of international law guiding inter-State relations, in particular those relating to respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of States and inviolability of their international borders, is imperative to that end.

The established principle of the inadmissibility of the use of force for acquisition of territory and the ensuing obligation of non-recognition of situations resulting from serious violations of international law must be applied and enforced universally and unconditionally.

Azerbaijan’s position with regard to the theme under consideration is well known and stems, among other factors, from its experience of facing armed aggression, ethnic cleansing and unlawful foreign military occupation.

At the XVII Summit of the NAM, held in September 2016 in the Island of Margarita, Venezuela, the Heads of State and Government expressed their regret that, in spite of the UN Security Council resolutions (S/RES/822, S/RES853, S/RES/874, S/RES/884), the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan remains unresolved and continues to endanger international and regional peace and security.

This solidarity has once again demonstrated the Movement’s strong devotion to the just cause of standing against aggression, foreign military occupation and ethnic cleansing.

Regretfully, I don’t have any good news to share with you today concerning the settlement of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. New leadership of Armenia demonstrates reluctance in the peaceful settlement of the conflict by making contradictory and irresponsible statements. Such provocative approach will definitely not serve for the positive developments in the negotiations process and will only worsen already fragile situation on the ground.

We call upon international community to send a strong message to Armenia to act in accordance with international law and implement the relevant UN Security Council resolutions adopted with regard to the settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.


Dear colleagues,

The next Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Non-Aligned Movement will be held on14-15 June 2019 in Baku, Azerbaijan. The Summit will be preceded by the Preparatory Meeting of Senior Officials on 10-11 June 2019 and Preparatory Ministerial Meeting on 12-13 June 2019. It will be an excellent opportunity for us to evaluate the progress of our work achieved since last Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Isla Margarita, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in September 2016 and Ministerial Meetings held since then.

With Baku Summit Azerbaijan will take over the chairmanship of the Movement. As the next chair we will spare no effort towards further enhancing the role of the Movement as an anti-war and peace-loving force, upholding the UN Charter and the Bandung Principles, as well as promoting, preserving and strengthening multilateralism with the United Nations at its core.

Azerbaijan assumes the chairmanship of the Movement in a critical time for all Member States of NAM, which necessitates our concerted and effective responses to the challenges of contemporary world. Chairmanship of Azerbaijan to the Movement will coincide with the 65th anniversary of Bandung Principles (2020) and the 60th anniversary of the establishment of NAM (2021). Both anniversaries will provide an excellent momentum for us to take stock of the achievements made so far and reflect upon how we, Member States, with shared vision and combined strength should respond to the multifaceted and emerging challenges that we continue to face.

Thank you.

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